

2019 the ÄDK achieved the third accreditation in a row by the Goethe-Institute. This accreditation takes place after a sophisticated audit visit once every 3 years. Since its establishment in 1998 the ÄDK is a close partner of the Goethe Institute. In 2000 the ÄDK became an officially contract partner and in 2010 the first accredited partner of the Goethe Institute in the Egypt and the MENA Region. Before the accreditation, not only the quality of the teaching, but also the course organization, information and advertising policy, customer satisfaction and equipment are checked during an audit visit.

The “Goethe Seal” is an external sign of membership in the worldwide network of the partners of the Goethe-Institute, which includes 100 partners. ÄDK is partner Nr. 13 in this international network. The “Goethe Seal” guarantees a high quality of the language course program, technically and linguistically good qualified teachers and an appropriate infrastructure.